NIHR Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust ARC OxTV Director, Professor Richard Hobbs ARC OxTV Senior Manager, Dr Paula Wray Public Health and Social Care Lead, Dr Bethan McDonald Programme and PPI manager, Dr Claire Schwartz Programme and Implementation manager, Sarah Brown Programme Assistant, Dawn Shaw Communications lead, Gavin Hubbard Training Lead, Dr Katherine Tucker Disease Prevention through health behaviour change theme co-lead, Prof Susan Jebb Co-lead, Prof Paul Aveyard Patient Self management theme lead, Prof Richard McManus Deputy, Dr Katherine Tucker Mental health across the life course them lead, Prof Cathy Creswell Deputy, Prof Andrea Cipriani Applied digital health theme lead, Prof John Powell Deputy, Dr Clare Bankhead Community health and social care improvement theme lead, Prof Ray Fitzpatrick Deputy, Prof Charles Vincent Novel methoda to aid and evaluate implementation theme lead, Prof Rafael Perera Deputy, Prof Stavros Petrou Implementation theme lead, Prof Gary Ford deputy, Tracey Marriot