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NIHR Spotlights ARC OxTV and PenARC's Impactful SARAH Programme for Rheumatoid Arthritis
20 May 2024
NIHR recognises ARC OxTV and PenARC's SARAH programme, empowering 1.3 million UK citizens with rheumatoid arthritis through tailored exercises and online therapist training.
NIHR ARC OxTV Secures 18-Month Extension to Enhance Health and Care Research in Thames Valley
26 January 2024
The NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) Oxford and Thames Valley is thrilled to announce it has received an 18-month extension to its research programme, thanks to additional funding from the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). This extension, which runs until March 2026, provides the ARC with £2.7 million to continue its vital work in the region.
Study Sheds Light on the Long-Term Impacts of Childhood Anxiety
27 July 2023
Childhood anxiety doesn't just affect the present; its ripples extend into adulthood and society at large. Dive into this latest research to understand the long-term consequences and economic implications of this prevalent issue
NIHR ARC OxTV supported Incubator Targets Racial Equity and Diversity in Health and Care Research
8 June 2023
The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) has announced the awarding of the ‘Race Equity and Diversity in Careers Incubator’, one of 10 prestigious Incubator awards announced today.
NIHR launches new Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy
29 September 2022
The NIHR is comitted to ensuring that equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) is embedded in everything it does. Launching today (28th September) the EDI it an important step in realising this commitment.
Self-monitoring of blood pressure does not result in the earlier detection of high blood pressure in pregnancy nor does it improve blood pressure control in those with pregnancy hypertension
10 May 2022
Self-monitoring of blood pressure during pregnancy neither results in earlier detection of high blood pressure, nor helps with blood pressure control in those who are pregnant, suggest the results of two new papers based on research from researchers supported by the NIHR ARC OxTV at the University of Oxford and King’s College London.
Three out of four people with heart failure could be diagnosed sooner, potentially improving quality of life and reducing costs to the healthcare system
30 November 2021
Researchers from the University of Oxford have today reported that only 1 in 4 people diagnosed with heart failure received a simple, recommended blood test that could have resulted in an earlier diagnosis at a more treatable stage.
The legacy of the CLAHRCs 2014-19 – 5 years of NIHR-funded applied health research
28 July 2021
This publication compiles key research projects from the NIHR Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRCs).
Future-Proofing Mental Health
10 May 2021
ARC OxTV Mental Health across the Lifecourse theme lead, Professor Cathy Creswell is among a number of UK academics calling, in Journal of Mental Health, for targets for mental health research in order to meet the healthcare challenges of the next decade.
Children and Adolescents’ Mental Health: One Year On
5 May 2021
The ARC OxTV supported 'COVID-19 Supporting Parents, Adolescents, and Children in Epidemic (CO-SPACE) study, reports that behavioural, emotional and attentional difficulties in children changed considerably throughout the past year, increasing in times of national lockdown and decreasing as restrictions eased and schools reopened.
ARC OxTV theme lead, Professor John Powell appointed NIHR Senior Investigator
3 March 2021
ARC OxTV Digital Health theme lead, Professor John Powell joins the NIHR college of senior research leaders.
Children’s Mental Health Worse in the New Lockdown
1 March 2021
The proportion of secondary school aged girls with emotional problems in January 2021 was at the highest level reported since March 2020, highlights latest report from the ARC OxTV supported Co-SPACE study. It also shows parent and carer reported behavioural, emotional, and restless/attentional difficulties in their offspring have increased again since the latest national lockdown was introduced.
Interactive map launches to support mental health researchers at all career stages
15 February 2021
The NIHR Incubator for Mental Health Research, led by Professor Cathy Creswell, ARC OxTV Mental Health Across the Lifecourse theme lead, recently launched a new interactive map to support mental health researchers, at all career stages, across the nation to connect and collaborate with others.
New free resources launched to support healthcare professionals to help patients to cut down on salt and saturated fat
25 January 2021
NIHR ARC OxTV and the University of Oxford's Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences launch materials to support healthcare professionals in providing evidence-based recommendations to reduce the intake of saturated fat to help lower LDL cholesterol and salt to reduce blood pressure.
Your feedback on the future of community nursing research needed
1 December 2020
Community nurses from across the nation are launching a new project to give patients, carers and healthcare professionals the opportunity to have their say about the future of community nursing research. The James Lind Alliance (JLA) Priority Setting Partnership (PSP) aims to gather, rank and prioritise views from all people involved in or affected by community nursing.
Research photography exhibition moves to Didcot
2 September 2020
A photography exhibition showcasing ground-breaking NHS research taking place across the Thames Valley has opened in Didcot.