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To offer an opportunity for learning, collaboration, and innovation, where participants can gain insights into the latest research findings from different projects across the Applied Research Collaboration (ARC OxTV) and provide input into their next steps. Our two key notes speakers will give an Overview of Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) and also the Future of the ARCs, there will also be the opportunity to contribute to future priorities for the ARC.

Event Registration is by invitation only. 


Time Rhodes Trust Lecture Theatre  Seminar room A 
09:00-09.30 Registration (Entrance Hall)

Session: Welcome, overview of the day and introduction to the ARC 
Presenter: Richard Hobbs, Director, ARC OxTV

10:00-10:20 Session: Overview of ICSs
Presenter: Nick Broughton, Interim CEO, BOB ICB
10:20- 11:00 Session: Community led research
Presenters: TBC
11:00-11:30 Tea break 

Session: Start Well- Helping all children and young people achieve the best start in life
Presenters: TBC 

Session: Age well- Staying healthy and independent for longer
Presenters:  TBC

Lunch (Entrance Hall and Seminar Room A)

14:00-14:30 Session: Future of the ARCs
Presenter: Marian Knight, Director of Programme Grants for Applied Research, NIHR
14:30-14:50 Session: Opportunities and priorities for an ARC2 (interactive session)
Presenter: Paula Wray, Senior Manager, ARC OxTV
14:50-15:10 Tea break
15:10-15:55 Session: Live Well- Supporting people and communities to live healthy and happier lives
Presenters:  TBC
Session: Live Well- Supporting people and communities to live healthy and happier lives
Presenters: TBC 

Closing remarks