WHEEL – Weight cHange for people with sErious mEntal iLlness
- Changing Behaviours for Better Health and Preventing Disease
- Implementation
- Mental Health
- Public Health
- Weight, Health, and Behaviour
WHEEL is all about helping people with serious mental illnesses (SMI) stay healthy. SMI includes conditions like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. These conditions can make life tough, and they bring health risks like heart disease and obesity because they make it more difficult to access health services to prevent these conditions.
Our team is developing a plan to make it easier for people with SMI to get help with weight management. We're working with experts and patients to create a plan that will work for everyone.
We're exploring how link workers, who connect patients with local services, can help people with SMI access weight management services. We're also finding out what might get in the way and how we can make things better.
Our goal is to create a plan that works for people with SMI, and we're sharing our findings with doctors, charities, and policymakers to make sure everyone can benefit.
Who we're working with
- The McPin Foundation: https://mcpin.org
- The Oxford Social Prescribing Network: https://socialprescribing.phc.ox.ac.uk