Associate Professor Michele Peters
Michele Peters
BSc, Dip.Psych., MSc, PhD
Associate Professor
- Applied Health Research Unit
Michele Peters is an Associate Professor within the Applied Health Research Unit (AHRU) working on the provision of high quality health and care services.
She teaches medical sociology, survey design and mixed methods at undergraduate (tutorials) and postgraduate level, including the supervision of DPhil students.
As a member of the NIHR Quality, Safety and Outcomes of Health and Social Care Research Unit, Michele’s research is strongly embedded in current health and care policy and evaluates health and care services from the patient, informal carer and professional perspectives.
This includes the development and use of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs), patient experience surveys; and carer outcome and experience measures across a range of different chronic long-term health conditions.
Before joining the University of Oxford, Michele worked as a Marie Curie Research Fellow in the Department of Medical Psychology, Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam (Netherlands).
Michele has a BSc in Nutrition (University of Surrey), MSc in Health and Exercise Sciences (University of Bristol), a conversion diploma in Psychology (Open University) and a PhD in Health and Medical Sciences (University of Surrey).
Recent publications
Implementation of RESTORE2 in Care Homes in England: A Mixed Methods Evaluation
Journal article
Nwolise C., (2024), Journal of Long-Term Care
The financial impact on people with coeliac disease of withdrawing gluten-free food from prescriptions in England: findings from a cross-sectional survey.
Journal article
Sugavanam T. et al, (2024), BMC Health Serv Res, 24
Defining Comprehensive Disease Control for Use as a Treatment Target for Ulcerative Colitis in Clinical Practice: International Delphi Consensus Recommendations.
Journal article
Schreiber S. et al, (2024), J Crohns Colitis, 18, 91 - 105
Assessing progress in managing and improving quality in nascent integrated care systems in England.
Journal article
Lalani M. et al, (2023), J Health Serv Res Policy
The affordability and obtainability of gluten-free foods for adults with coeliac disease following their withdrawal on prescription in England: A qualitative study.
Journal article
Crocker H. et al, (2023), J Hum Nutr Diet