Validation of the Kinetik Blood Pressure Monitor-Series 1 for use in adults at home and in clinical settings, according to the 2002 European Society of Hypertension International Protocol on the validation of blood pressure devices.
Schwartz CL., Edwards K., Gamble W., Kirkham A., Lacy P., Lewis P., McDonagh STJ., Peers C., Sheppard JP., Swales P., Howarth J., Williams B.
The aim of this study was to assess the blood pressure (BP) measurement accuracy of the Kinetik Blood Pressure Monitor-Series 1 (BPM-1) for use in home or clinical settings according to the 2002 European Society of Hypertension International Protocol (ESH-IP). Forty-two participants were recruited to fulfil the required number of systolic and diastolic BP measurements according to the ESH-IP. Nine sequential same-arm BP readings were measured and analysed for each participant using the test device and observer mercury standard readings according to the 2002 ESH-IP. Forty one participants were used to obtain 33 sets of systolic and diastolic BP readings and were included in the analysis. Mean difference between the device measurements and the observer (mercury standard) measurements was 1.1 ± 7.2/1.1 ± 6.8 mmHg (mean ± standard deviation; systolic/diastolic). The number of systolic BP differences between the test and observer measurements that fell within 5, 10 and 15 mmHg was 65, 86 and 92. For diastolic readings, the number of test-observer measurement differences within 5, 10 and 15 mmHg was 77, 91 and 94. The number of participants with at least two out of three differences within 5 mmHg was 28 for systolic and 40 for diastolic BP readings. Three participants had no differences between the test and observer measurements within 5 mmHg in both the systolic and diastolic measurement categories. The Kinetik BPM-1 device fulfilled the requirements of the ESH-IP validation procedure and can be recommended for clinical use and self-measurement within the home.