NIHR Oxford Senior Research Fellows Award 2023: Advancing Translational Research
Thursday, 12 October 2023 to Monday, 20 November 2023
The NIHR Senior Research Fellows Award 2023 is designed to foster the careers of exceptional researchers dedicated to advancing translational research. Explore the eligibility criteria and benefits of this award scheme.
The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) ARC Oxford & Thames Valley (ARC OxTV) in collaboration with Oxford BRC and Oxford Health BRC is pleased to announce the NIHR Oxford Senior Research Fellows Award 2023. This initiative aims to identify and support individuals who are on a trajectory to become future leaders in translational research within the NIHR framework in Oxford.
The 2023 Scheme:
The NIHR Senior Research Fellows Award is a prestigious recognition, designed to attract, acknowledge, and nurture exceptional researchers who are devoted to propelling translational research forward.
Breif details of the scheme:
Successful fellows will be granted a yearly award of £5,000 over a span of two years, intended to bolster their research endeavours and career progression. This grant is structured to facilitate engagement in a tailored career development programme, enriched with mentoring, coaching, and networking opportunities, all aimed at catalysing professional growth.
Fellows are expected to submit a concise annual progress report, encapsulating the advancements and impacts borne from their research initiatives.
In this iteration, a total of seven fellowships are up for grabs; with four being awarded by Oxford BRC, two by Oxford Health BRC, and one by the ARC OxTV.
Examples of the ways funding could be used:
The award can be used to cover various research-associated costs including:
- Travel costs for research activities
- Conference attendences
- Personal career development and leadership training
- Consumables and minor equipment purchases
- Bridging funds for research staff appointments whilst awaiting new research income.
We welcome applicants engaged in translational research from a diverse range of disciplines such as Medical Sciences, Computer Sciences, Engineering, and more. Eligibility criteria include:
- Holding a PhD or MD with around 4 to 10 years' postdoctoral experience (career breaks considered).
- Employment with Oxford University, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust or the ARC OxTV.
NIHR Senior Investigators, or those who have previously held NIHR Senior Investigators Awards, BRC Theme Leaders/co-leads, Heads of University Departments, OUH/OH Divisional Directors, Associate Heads of OUH/OH Divisions, full professors and BRC Steering Committee members are not eligible to apply.
Important Dates:
- Application Deadline: 20th November 2023
- Interviews in Oxford: 8th December 2023
How to Apply:
Download the application form to begin your application process by clicking here.
For further information, please contact Karen Bell at
This award scheme provides a great platform for researchers to enhance their expertise, establish an independent research area, and contribute positively towards healthcare improvements and societal benefits within the Oxford NIHR landscape.